This is not mine. It is something that i liked so I had to have it on here. LOVE IT!!!!
1. A simple "Thank You for Serving, too"
3. Take the time to *listen* She may not have had an adult conversation for quite some time!
4. Don’t assume HE is not a military spouse. Thank the military-husbands too.
5. Pick up something at the store that reminds you of her; a potted-plant, a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of wine, nail-polish & nail files, etc etc
6. Give her a call! Say ‘Thank You’ and find out how her day is going.
7. A day at the spa! (Thank you, @shelly_76)
8. FREE child-care. Watch her children for her. Let her do something on her own.
9. Invite her out for a local-sight-seeing tour. She might not know the area & enjoy learning.
10. Equip her.
11. Take a spouse out for coffee or tea.
12. Pray for him. Pray for her.
13. Make a fancy-drink. Pour two glasses. One for you, one for her. Make toasts and enjoy together.
14. *Give* him a book from your book-shelf that you enjoyed.
15. Offer to wash her car (Don’t forget to vacuum)
16. Business-owners: Host a special event just for spouses, don’t do it for monetary gain.
17. Do you garden? Bring her some of your produce; flowers, fruits, vegetables.
18. Give her personal space to miss her loved one. Then open-up your arms to take her in.
19. Gather your mutual-friends. Have a multi-family picnic.
20. If she calls asking for something, a cup of milk, some eggs, potatoes etc etc Lend with a cheerful heart and don't expect your 'gift' back!
21. Buy her a military-spouse shirt. Have it shipped to her:
22. Find a military-spouse book she might enjoy:
23. Plan a play-date at your house. Get the kids together and enjoy the day.
24. Sit with him at church. Not many enjoy sitting in the pew alone.
25. Take a picture. Send it in an email to her.
26. Offer to help with yard-work! (Thanks, @guamgurl)
27. Give her privacy if you sense she does not want to open up.
28. Send her a quick note (on hand-made stationary if you are feeling crafty).
29. Say Thank You with food. Its the way to our heart!
30. Send her an email, let her know you miss her if you haven't seen each other in awhile.
31. If you haven't seen her for some time because of distance look at the calendar. When can you visit? Don't always expect her to do the travelling home.
32. Get excited over something he is excited about!
33. Take her children to the park. Ask if she WANTS to come to. Some spouses like time alone; others want adult-company. It might just depend on her mood.
34. Give him a genuine smile; remember, a smile is worth a thousand words!
35. Compliment her children
36. Send an anonymous note of encouragement
37. Do you have a favorite magazine? Send her a subscription
38. Call her up. Ask if she wants to go out and get some ice-cream!
39. Run across a funny comic-strip or joke that reminded you of him? Clip it and send in a letter.
40. Do you see a new face in the crowd? She might be a new-spouse. Go over and introduce yourself.
41. If a seasoned-spouse does something that makes you feel welcomed, say Thank You. It'll make her feel good, too.
42. Business Owners: Offer a Military-Discount (List it on
43. Don't assume she knows that you appreciate her sacrifice as a military-spouse. Say it.
44. Organizations: Host a special military-spouse tea. It doesn't have to be 'fussy', just fun!
45. If you are standing in line at the commissary and she is behind you with a cart full of food, fussy babies & screaming toddlers let her go in front of you. *Everyone* may say Thank You.
46. Say good-things about her spouse, the service-member. It can feel like a reflection of her.
47. Are you the service-member? Wash your spouse's feet. What a humbling, gratifying act for the woman (or man!) you love so much. (TY, @milave_dan)
48. Give her a list of things she has done for you. Take 5 minutes and make a list of 10 to 50 things you love about her.
49. Appreciate that "How are you holding up" isn't always the best question to ask the spouse of a deployed service member! (Thank You, @jen004)
50. Make her a CD full of all the songs that remind you of her. Keep it cheery!
51. Don't forget the Military Husband! Include him while planning spouse-functions (Thank You, @SaintJer)
52. Pick up a bottle of bubble bath. Deliver it with a small note of appreciation.
53. Respect her decisions. If she says she can't do it let her 'no be no'.
54. Give to Operation Showers of Appreciation for 'expecting' moms with deployed spouses: (Thank you, @CMWTR)
55. Offer a simple-hug. Amazing what 'touch' can do to heal the soul. But respect personal space if that is an issue. (Thank You, @texasangel88)
56. Go to an art-class together. Many bases have an Art-Shop, or find a local business where you can make jewelry or paint-ceramics together.
57. Take him out to a ball game; either a local pro- or semi-pro. Buy him a beer and a hot dog. And enjoy the evening!
58. Are her kids sick? Is SHE sick? Offer to help. Bring over chicken-noodle soup. Run to the store for some 7-Up. Find out what she needs.
59. Service-members: Help her with the laundry! Help put it away without being asked.
60. Did she make a dish for a social-gathering? Compliment her. Ask for the recipe! Tell someone that is near you how good it is.
61. Contact your local Television or Radio Station. Do *they* know it is Military Spouse Appreciation Day?
62. Don't forget to say 'Please' if you need her. She is probably juggling quite a bit at once. She will appreciate being asked, as opposed to told.
63. Chamber of Commerce: Host a special city-wide event for your military families. (Place your event on at your closest installations to get the word out.)
64. Take the time to find out how his weekend was. Where the family went, what they did, how his son's baseball game was.
65. Show her politeness, thoughtfulness and helpfulness. Open the door for her, pick up something she dropped.
66. Service-member: Buy "a little something" for the bedroom that you know s/he'll enjoy. ;)
67. Help her start a hobby. As an example, if you scrapbook offer to help her get started if she is interested.
68. Businesses: Hold a contest that will benefit the military spouse like, "Laptops for Flattops" (
69. Service-member: Whisper sweet-nothings in your spouse's ear. Tell him how much you appreciate him.
70. Help her children make an "I Love You, Mom" card. Get artsy with glitter and glue and construction paper.
71. Make some cookies with your kids & have them deliver them. Teach your own children gratitude for our military-families. She will appreciate it.
72. Do you make cards? Send blank ones to @cardsforheroes. They send them to deployed soldiers to can send a note home on - a treasure for a military spouse!
73. A very simple, heartfelt thank you means the world. Oh, and donuts too. (Thank You, @redsoxfan529)
74. Businesses: Contact your installations Family Service Center and find out what you can do for the families on base. (
75. Invite him over for a game on TV. Sit back and enjoy a beer together.
76. When cooking dinner, make enough for two families. Bring half to a military-family or invite their family over.
77. Benefit Of The Doubt. A little BOTD can go a long way to show your appreciation for the military-spouse.
78. Make an acrostic with his/her name filled with adjectives about their strengths. (TY, @MilAve_Deborah)
79. Flexibility is the name of game. Be flexible in making plans. Things happen out of her control.
80. When thanking a soldier for their service, thank their spouse, too! (TY, @Kdpartak)
81. Play a game of catch with her children. They may be missing the presence of a man in their life.
82. Businesses: Have a special gift for all the military spouses that come through your door; a key chain, a nail file, keep it simple.
83. Hit a mid-day movie together. Buy a large popcorn to share!
84. Invite her to a bible-study at your church. What a great way to meet new people!
85. Grab the strollers and take a walk together!
86. Servicemen - Buy her favorite lotion and give her a back rub.
87. Businesses - Having a special contest? Ask a military spouse to be a judge. She'll be honored.
88. Call, Send an email, leave a comment to her/him. Sometimes the smallest gesture means much more than you think. (TY, @proudwifey)
89. Service-member: Sign up for dance classes with your spouse.
90. Take time to get to know HER/HIM. He/she is more than a #milspouse (TY, @tiffsilverberg)
91. Do you have a friend you know she would enjoy knowing? Introduce them!
92. Do they have a green-thumb? Give a potted plant. "Bloom where you are planted" and a note that says thanks
93. Invite him over for a bbq on a Friday night!
94. Businesses: Do you see the flash of her ID when she makes a transaction? Be sure to say Thank you for her service!
95. Military Spouse in the family? Laminate a special card with the families' phone numbers, addresses, birthdays. Help her keep organized.
96. Service-Member: Take Leave on your anniversary. Do something special together. #milspouse (TY,@jen004)
97. Do you have a pool (or just a slip-n-slide!) invite the military-family over. Have a big pitcher of lemonade ready! (TY, @milave_col_k)
98. Plan a girls' day... manicures, pedicures and lunch!
99. Create a Themed box or basket for her. Drop it off at her door anonymously with a note of appreciation. (TY, @milave_deborah)
100. Businesses: Encourage your colleagues to offer a meaningful military-discount. Make yourself a town that appreciates the military!
101. Make her stop, breathe, and ASK "How can I help?" and then do it.
My life is crazy since we started the "Army Lifestyle" Good an bad happens all the time, and to pass my free time, share my stories, and let out emotions I have started this blog site.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Can he just leave now?
I know this may sound bad to some, and those that are Army wives know what I am talking about. Since we got here August of 2009, we have known that there is a deployment ahead of us. In the last few weeks it has become more real. The dates of deployment are starting to show up, and it gets to be a lot. For a Wife that has never had to do this before, it is a lot to take in. My emotions are crazy all the time. When some one say something about the deployment, I get a little emotional. Emotional and scared to say the least.
At times I wish that he was already gone. Not because I do not love him, and want him to be here all the time, but because I think this is getting much harder knowing that he has to. I want him to be gone so that the good byes are all done already, and this feeling is gone. I would like at be counting down to his return rather than counting till he leaves. A year is along time, and I want it to be done with already. I know this is going to be so hard to watch him leave us.
Knowing that he is doing something so amazing, and for EVERYBODY in the US makes me a very proud person. Knowing that he is so un selfish with his time, and even his life is something to be proud of. I know that I am more than proud of him, and sometimes I think that the Army is a little selfish taking my husband for a whole 12 months. I do also know that this is his job, this is the life that we are to live from here on out.
My BIGGEST fear is that when he comes back, it won't really be my husband that comes back. There is to many things there that can change a person forever. I want the man that I married to come home and eveerything be great, but I am not counting on that to happen. My fear is that he sees something there that will change him forever. I will love him no matter what, and i will be there for him no matter what. What is ahead of us is going to be so tough for so long, and I know that if anyone has to be the rock, it has to be me. I just want this nightmare to be over with.
Some people will never have to know this feeling and at one point i thought that i envied them. Now i think more about it, and I do not envy people that will never know this feeling, because this right here is a show of strength and bravery for him, and his dedication for our country. Not only that but it s going to bring out better stronger people in both of us. I will become someone that has accomplished somehting some people never will or could. Our marraige will have stood up to some of the toughest things possible, and after all is said and done, we can say that we can do anything!!
At times I wish that he was already gone. Not because I do not love him, and want him to be here all the time, but because I think this is getting much harder knowing that he has to. I want him to be gone so that the good byes are all done already, and this feeling is gone. I would like at be counting down to his return rather than counting till he leaves. A year is along time, and I want it to be done with already. I know this is going to be so hard to watch him leave us.
Knowing that he is doing something so amazing, and for EVERYBODY in the US makes me a very proud person. Knowing that he is so un selfish with his time, and even his life is something to be proud of. I know that I am more than proud of him, and sometimes I think that the Army is a little selfish taking my husband for a whole 12 months. I do also know that this is his job, this is the life that we are to live from here on out.
My BIGGEST fear is that when he comes back, it won't really be my husband that comes back. There is to many things there that can change a person forever. I want the man that I married to come home and eveerything be great, but I am not counting on that to happen. My fear is that he sees something there that will change him forever. I will love him no matter what, and i will be there for him no matter what. What is ahead of us is going to be so tough for so long, and I know that if anyone has to be the rock, it has to be me. I just want this nightmare to be over with.
Some people will never have to know this feeling and at one point i thought that i envied them. Now i think more about it, and I do not envy people that will never know this feeling, because this right here is a show of strength and bravery for him, and his dedication for our country. Not only that but it s going to bring out better stronger people in both of us. I will become someone that has accomplished somehting some people never will or could. Our marraige will have stood up to some of the toughest things possible, and after all is said and done, we can say that we can do anything!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
To my Kids~~
The day that you were born was the day that our life really began. The days that you two were born was the day that responsiblity became my middle name. It has tought me so much about myself, and the world around us. You boys make me smile when the whole world is cruel. Alhough sometimes you make the day harder, I am forever greatful to you both.
Dallas in almost three years you have taught me what it really means to be mommy. All the things that I can teach you, and that you can teach me. Both without even knowing it. As you are getting older and growing, I look at you and wonder where the time has gone. Where that little 5 pound 12 ounce baby has gone to. Just a few short years ago I could have lost you in the couch, and now you are as big as a 4 year old. You have completly skipped wearing 2T, and gotten to be a little man. I know that you are never going to stop growing no matter how many times I say I want you too. You learned to say I love you so long ago, and ever since than I have made you say it to me a thousand times a day. It still makes me smile every time.
Colton, you are learning so fast everyday. 8 months ago you were brought to me by a great blessing. Seems like yesterday I was waking up in the middle of the night to feed you every couple hours. Now your little hands are into everything. You have turned into a Daddy's boy :) You have taught me to do everything all over again, and twice :) Your wonderful, and I am so happy to wake up to you crying in the other room. Somtimes I complain about not sleeping in but that is the life that I choose having you two. I would not trade it for the world.
People like to ask me if I would have waited to have kids if I could go back. My answer changes everyday. The truth is, No i would not change a day of it. I maybe would have made better chioces for myslef before you guys got here, but after that my life has been a miracle everyday. You are as Much a teacher to me as I am to you. You two will always be my babies, and i love you both with my whole heart.
Everyday till untill you kids are older i will sing ' You are my Sunshine' everyday, read you 'I'll love you forever' and make you tell you love me as much as I can.
The day that you were born was the day that our life really began. The days that you two were born was the day that responsiblity became my middle name. It has tought me so much about myself, and the world around us. You boys make me smile when the whole world is cruel. Alhough sometimes you make the day harder, I am forever greatful to you both.
Dallas in almost three years you have taught me what it really means to be mommy. All the things that I can teach you, and that you can teach me. Both without even knowing it. As you are getting older and growing, I look at you and wonder where the time has gone. Where that little 5 pound 12 ounce baby has gone to. Just a few short years ago I could have lost you in the couch, and now you are as big as a 4 year old. You have completly skipped wearing 2T, and gotten to be a little man. I know that you are never going to stop growing no matter how many times I say I want you too. You learned to say I love you so long ago, and ever since than I have made you say it to me a thousand times a day. It still makes me smile every time.
Colton, you are learning so fast everyday. 8 months ago you were brought to me by a great blessing. Seems like yesterday I was waking up in the middle of the night to feed you every couple hours. Now your little hands are into everything. You have turned into a Daddy's boy :) You have taught me to do everything all over again, and twice :) Your wonderful, and I am so happy to wake up to you crying in the other room. Somtimes I complain about not sleeping in but that is the life that I choose having you two. I would not trade it for the world.
People like to ask me if I would have waited to have kids if I could go back. My answer changes everyday. The truth is, No i would not change a day of it. I maybe would have made better chioces for myslef before you guys got here, but after that my life has been a miracle everyday. You are as Much a teacher to me as I am to you. You two will always be my babies, and i love you both with my whole heart.
Everyday till untill you kids are older i will sing ' You are my Sunshine' everyday, read you 'I'll love you forever' and make you tell you love me as much as I can.
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