Again, I realize that I am slacking in my Blogging duties. I have no excuse really, except I guess I feel my writing skills have fallen out of my head. Oh yeah, and I am irritable. I will get you all up to speed on why I am feeling that way, the minute that I figure it all out!
Starting from the first to the last thing, I will tell you that the tubes are a blessing. They have made Colton a much more tolerable 2 year old, which makes this family a whole lot smoother. His whining is much less, and he uses a whole lot more words everyday. Not even just the words thats are getting better, but all his skills. He eats a lot more (meaning instead of picking at a meal, he will sit down and just eat it), he plays more, and is less stuck to his momma. So all and all this is going well, and I hope that it stays that way for the sake of my sanity, and his ability to learn better.
As for me, I have an appointment with a rhuemetoligist on Tuesday in Abiline, but it's just like a consultation. The worst part is that depending on my case, it might take a little while to get it, because the Dr. is only in that office 2 times a month! So this is the only time I hope that a dr thinks I am in bad shape. Then I will be bumped to one of the earlier appointments. Least that is my understanding. In any case, my actual condition is not any better, but it's not any worse either. So I am just glad that it is not any worse though.
The next thing on this list is my tooth. So I had to get a whole new front tooth. We all know that I am not the most well put together person, more so my teeth are not in the best shape. This is also coming from the same person that broke her finger in a pillow fight. Yeah, that happened! So I was making faces at the boys through the glass screen door and one of them hit it. I didn't know it right away till I felt something on my lip, and caught it before it hit the ground. That was in fact a nice big chunk of my tooth. It was worse in the back then in front, but you could tell I was missing some. It was really a bummer. I went the whole weekend looking and feeling much like a hillbilly. I am lucky that I have great friends and family that assured me I could do many things to make it better, or let it be a blessing in disguise. I was told that I could use a white chicklet, use it as a straw holder, a smoke holder... or if I wanted to go more extreme, I could roll around everywhere with my music blaring and that way people thought I was a bad ass and not a hillbilly..... Either way I got lucky and the dentist was able to get me in on Monday so it's all better now. It does need a little more work, he didn't have a whole lot of time, but I will get back in there. The only thing wrong with it, is I am not sure that it is thick enough and needs some more on the back side.
Another test is the GED which I am taking tomorrow and friday..... I am nervous as can be, but hopefully luck is on my side. I am not sure when I will get my results in, they said about a week, but as for the holidays, I hope they still come in a week. The results come in the mail, so I hope that Fort Riley does not let me down and gets it here ASAP. Considering mail is a pretty important thing to most all of us here, they are usually pretty good at it. With that said, I need to go and rest my brain. it 1110 and I need to shower and be outta the house by 640 in the morning. This is going to be tough I know it. I will write more I hope tomorrow. GOOD NIGHT
My life is crazy since we started the "Army Lifestyle" Good an bad happens all the time, and to pass my free time, share my stories, and let out emotions I have started this blog site.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Holidays, tests & ear tubes! Oh my
It's only been FOREVER.... I don't even know where to start really. We have been working on preparing for Colton's tubes, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas. I like the holiday season, but sometimes all this decorating, planning, shopping, and all those other little things get to be a lot.
Thanksgiving was the best it could be.... We rocked it army wife style. invited wives, and those that had their husbands here also participated. Which was nice, because they were in charge of the turkey. I don't do turkey, but I think that eventually I am going to have to learn how. Being in the Army you have to be prepared for spending a holiday alone. So I am going to have to get on that. We all worked together to make this the best that it could be. The turkey.... well that's a whole story in itself, and I am just going to do a quick catch up. In any case, there wasn't really any in the end. However, there was football, plenty of food, good conversation, and a lot of laughing all in all. We always seem to know how to make the best of any situation, no matter what. This is one of the many reasons I love my girls here.
As for Christmas, I have gotten as far as getting the tree up, and some lights in the house. That's about all the decorating that i think that I will be doing this year, but we normally don't go all out anyways. As for shopping.... What do you get for 2 little boys that have everything? Ik now right?!?! That's something that I really need to think about...... UGH. With that said, I have yet to shop :(
I have taken and passed my GED practice test, and so NOW i get to try and get in for the actual test. I know the practice seemed easy and I can actually score lower on the real test than than I could on the practice... but that doesn't change the fact that I am still nervous, and I DO NOT LIKE TAKING TESTS!!! I was never good at them. So for 85.00 dollars, I hope I GOT THIS!!!!
Colton got his tubes today, and will have his first session with speech therapy tomorrow. He had been doing the speech thing for a long time now, but not while he could actually hear. Hopefully we can finally get somewhere. I know that someday I am going to wonder why I was so anxious for him to talk, but I know that I can't keep him a baby forever. He is at a point now where he is just falling behind, and he is frustrated all the time because he can't get what he wants to be known. I am good at understanding him most of the time, but I can't be his interpreter forever.
SOOOOO last night after midnight, I had to cut off all foods and liquids. Food was easy. I don't know anyone that feeds their kids after midnight. Obviously breakfast, but we had to be at the hospital early so I knew he wouldn't even care to miss that as his day was going to be a long one. however the whole "no sippy after midnight" was a slight bump in the road... He got up one time to ask me for it, and I had to lay with him and tell him no like 80 million times, but then he was out. SO I went back to bed, but then he got up again. After about 5 minutes of crying, he gave up and went back to bed.
6 am came pretty quickly as one would expect it too. I got up and showered and got everything ready. Thanks to a great friend Dallas had a sleep over. So that was one less thing to worry about. Woke Colton up and we were at the hospital at 715. They got him all dressed in their clothes and got his vitals. The ent dr doing the surgery came in and talked to Colton and I, which I thought was great. He was willing to answer any last minute questions and make sure we were both alright with the process ahead.
They gave him a liquid anesthetic,which after about 5 minutes was absolutely hilarious. He was trying to laugh and you could just tell he was numb. I recorded some. Finally about 830 his time came. They wheeled him down in his crib and he barely cared that I was not holding him. He finally gave up like half way down the hall and put his head down and enjoyed the ride. Literally 10-15 minutes after bein in the waiting room, the dr came to tell me he was done. I know it was a short time, but I can't even tell you if I was breathing that whole time. It felt like forever.
I went back to see him. Wow what 10 minutes can do. He was really pissed off at this point. He didn't know what he wanted. He wouldn't sit with me but couldn't walk because he was still loopy. Didn't really want to get down anyways. He just really had no idea what he wanted. That lasted about 45 minutes. They brought us back to where we started. Him and I watched cartoons and waited. They kept him an hour after that and kept checking his oxygen levels.
They finally released us, and he was ready. But still crabby. So he didn't wanna change out of his hospital clothes. He finally got over it and I don't ever want to go through that phase again. Lol. Poor guy. He was loopy all the way home. Head bobbing and just not there. I took him to bk for lucy. He ate that plus half mine. And rested for a long while before we went to pick up Dallas. Aside from that his eating has improved tremendously Usually he just eats a little (more like picks) and then he is done. Now he eats what's put in front of him. It's like he's never tasted it before. Which might actually be true.
This morning instead of screaming for 15 minutes while I rolled outta bed and got to him. He just cried a little to let me know. When I told him I was coming he just stopped and waited. He didn't follow me around and whine at me all morning like normal. And instead of hanging on me, he played all morning with Dallas. It's been great. He was saying things last night he has never even tried to say before.
All in all he is a much happier, smiley, laughing child. I know this is a whole year later and I feel as if I missed a whole year of his life. But it's over now. Hopefully. I mean he could need more down the road but at Learst the process won't be as long.
Now it's time to get ready for his speech therapist to come and let her see how amazing it's been just over night. ;)
Thanksgiving was the best it could be.... We rocked it army wife style. invited wives, and those that had their husbands here also participated. Which was nice, because they were in charge of the turkey. I don't do turkey, but I think that eventually I am going to have to learn how. Being in the Army you have to be prepared for spending a holiday alone. So I am going to have to get on that. We all worked together to make this the best that it could be. The turkey.... well that's a whole story in itself, and I am just going to do a quick catch up. In any case, there wasn't really any in the end. However, there was football, plenty of food, good conversation, and a lot of laughing all in all. We always seem to know how to make the best of any situation, no matter what. This is one of the many reasons I love my girls here.
As for Christmas, I have gotten as far as getting the tree up, and some lights in the house. That's about all the decorating that i think that I will be doing this year, but we normally don't go all out anyways. As for shopping.... What do you get for 2 little boys that have everything? Ik now right?!?! That's something that I really need to think about...... UGH. With that said, I have yet to shop :(
I have taken and passed my GED practice test, and so NOW i get to try and get in for the actual test. I know the practice seemed easy and I can actually score lower on the real test than than I could on the practice... but that doesn't change the fact that I am still nervous, and I DO NOT LIKE TAKING TESTS!!! I was never good at them. So for 85.00 dollars, I hope I GOT THIS!!!!
Colton got his tubes today, and will have his first session with speech therapy tomorrow. He had been doing the speech thing for a long time now, but not while he could actually hear. Hopefully we can finally get somewhere. I know that someday I am going to wonder why I was so anxious for him to talk, but I know that I can't keep him a baby forever. He is at a point now where he is just falling behind, and he is frustrated all the time because he can't get what he wants to be known. I am good at understanding him most of the time, but I can't be his interpreter forever.
SOOOOO last night after midnight, I had to cut off all foods and liquids. Food was easy. I don't know anyone that feeds their kids after midnight. Obviously breakfast, but we had to be at the hospital early so I knew he wouldn't even care to miss that as his day was going to be a long one. however the whole "no sippy after midnight" was a slight bump in the road... He got up one time to ask me for it, and I had to lay with him and tell him no like 80 million times, but then he was out. SO I went back to bed, but then he got up again. After about 5 minutes of crying, he gave up and went back to bed.
6 am came pretty quickly as one would expect it too. I got up and showered and got everything ready. Thanks to a great friend Dallas had a sleep over. So that was one less thing to worry about. Woke Colton up and we were at the hospital at 715. They got him all dressed in their clothes and got his vitals. The ent dr doing the surgery came in and talked to Colton and I, which I thought was great. He was willing to answer any last minute questions and make sure we were both alright with the process ahead.
They gave him a liquid anesthetic,which after about 5 minutes was absolutely hilarious. He was trying to laugh and you could just tell he was numb. I recorded some. Finally about 830 his time came. They wheeled him down in his crib and he barely cared that I was not holding him. He finally gave up like half way down the hall and put his head down and enjoyed the ride. Literally 10-15 minutes after bein in the waiting room, the dr came to tell me he was done. I know it was a short time, but I can't even tell you if I was breathing that whole time. It felt like forever.
I went back to see him. Wow what 10 minutes can do. He was really pissed off at this point. He didn't know what he wanted. He wouldn't sit with me but couldn't walk because he was still loopy. Didn't really want to get down anyways. He just really had no idea what he wanted. That lasted about 45 minutes. They brought us back to where we started. Him and I watched cartoons and waited. They kept him an hour after that and kept checking his oxygen levels.
They finally released us, and he was ready. But still crabby. So he didn't wanna change out of his hospital clothes. He finally got over it and I don't ever want to go through that phase again. Lol. Poor guy. He was loopy all the way home. Head bobbing and just not there. I took him to bk for lucy. He ate that plus half mine. And rested for a long while before we went to pick up Dallas. Aside from that his eating has improved tremendously Usually he just eats a little (more like picks) and then he is done. Now he eats what's put in front of him. It's like he's never tasted it before. Which might actually be true.
This morning instead of screaming for 15 minutes while I rolled outta bed and got to him. He just cried a little to let me know. When I told him I was coming he just stopped and waited. He didn't follow me around and whine at me all morning like normal. And instead of hanging on me, he played all morning with Dallas. It's been great. He was saying things last night he has never even tried to say before.
All in all he is a much happier, smiley, laughing child. I know this is a whole year later and I feel as if I missed a whole year of his life. But it's over now. Hopefully. I mean he could need more down the road but at Learst the process won't be as long.
Now it's time to get ready for his speech therapist to come and let her see how amazing it's been just over night. ;)
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