So tomorrow is Thanksgiving.... well actually it is right now, so happy Thanksgiving folks. I am up at 12:24....WHY? Well my pumpkin pie is still in the oven, and will be there for near an hour. I still have Pumpkin cheesecake bread to make, and I am not sure how to do both of them or how this is going to work without being totally exhausted by tomorrow morning. I just looked at the instructions, and since it takes the blender that will have to wait till the morning as I dont want to wake anyone up LOL.
So, I feel a little lost this year with the Holidays. For starter, family life is a far cry from what it has been. But, aside from that, I am not hosting it this year. I know that sounds crazy to some people. I mean I know people that would give anything to not have to clean that mess up and have to do all the cleaning and cooking. To be honest that's not that part that I miss. It does give me a reason to clean my house. By clean I don't mean like turn the dryer on for the 3rd time because I am too lazy to put the damn things away. I mean really clean. It keeps me busy planning and cleaning a good 3-4 days prior to a Holiday at this house.
The best part is the day of. When people are around you in your house, enjoying the food, football, and conversation. For some reason, I think that it makes me feel accomplished when I can look around when all is said and done, and the craziness of it all starts to calm, and you see people that you care about enjoying themselves. You know since we have been in the military, we have not spent a Thanksgiving home. However, we have always welcomed single soldiers into our home. Some friends' husbands have invited soldiers into my home when dave was deployed. I really can not stand the thought of these men and women having to be way from away, and not having anyone to spend this holiday with.
It is a time to be thankful for the things that you have in your life. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the day to day that it seems like it is impossible to see the good in the things around you. Sometimes you just feel like your day sucked so bad, and you wonder what the hell there is good happening. I know there is a lot of days that I have had like that here lately. You feel like whatever was good in your life, is crumbling, and the only thing that you can do is sit there and watch it all happen. Like it is all out of your control. The reality of it is that I still have a roof over my head. I still have clothes on my back. There is still an income coming in even though it feels sometimes like it is too tight and we have nothing. I have friends and family. Sometimes it feels like they are not available when I could use them the most, and most are an ocean away, they are still there. I have my boys. I love those little men unconditionally. They are always there for me. Colton tells me at least once a day "Mommy, you are soooo cute." and it makes me smile every time. Dallas gets so excited about the things that he did in school, he sometimes gets a little crazy about it, but I love to hear his stories.
I know those little day to day things are easy to forget about when you are havin a bad day. Because you are so used to them, you forget that they are there. We spend a lot of time focusing on the bad. I know to say to keep those little things in the back of your mind is much easier said then done. I know this from personal experience. Because I am sitting here saying it, but I am not sure most of the time how to follow my own advice. I seem to really have an issue with that lately. Well not lately, all the time really. Being about to see other peoples situation for what it is and able to give them advice at the drop of the hat. 99.9% they don't follow my advice either, so I am not sure why they even bother to ask. In any case, I do the same thing. It's just easier to hear someone tell you how it is and get a better perspective on things I suppose.
In any case, I will stop chatting. It is now two in the morning, I have to be up by at least 6 am. BECAUSE THE PACKERS PLAY AT 730!!!!!! I am happy for that. If I get that far lol. The only thing that I really have to do tomorrow is to make sweet potatoes and real potatoes and those come closer to dinner anyways.
I want everyone to have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING. from my family to yours. Try to make sure that you think about what you are thankful for.... not just today, but each and every day.
My life is crazy since we started the "Army Lifestyle" Good an bad happens all the time, and to pass my free time, share my stories, and let out emotions I have started this blog site.

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
What Feelings......
I am well aware that it has been forever since I posted last, and I think I say the same thing everytime I go to post. There is large gaps in my blog LOL. IM SORRY.
Things have been crazy around here. I won't get into any details, but I can say they happen to be personal matters, and I will keep them that way. People have been bugging me to come back though, so here I am!!!
I have some things to let out I guess, and though I have a personal journal, this seems like something that other people may be able to relate to as well. So here it goes, that dreaded word...FEELINGS. You know those things that women wished men had and wished we didn't have to have so many of.. I mean men have feelings. Certain ones. Like they may get upset when you tell them to make their own sandwich, and upset is a feeling.
I used to have a lot of them, and knew when to use each one. There were times where I had feelings and knew when to hold them back... grin and bare it. There was a time that I knew who I was. You know I knew my morals, I knew what I wanted, and I knew what I stood for. I knew how to seek out those in my life that would hurt me. I knew who to keep close to me, and I knew who wouldn't walk away when things got hard. I knew the people that would answer the phone no matter what time of day it was. I knew who I could ask for help with certain things. I knew who would give me a straight answer and who would tell me when I was wrong about something. Something has happened since then.
Today, I don't know all these things, and I don't feel as sure about them as I did before. I mean I know who proves their loyalty to me when needed, and who is there, for the most part, in tough situations. For some reason though, I feel as if I am being tested since being here. I am not sure why. Maybe its because I am a world away from family and close friends in Minnesota and Kansas. Maybe it's the thought that I can't just go home when I want to. Maybe it's that some of the best people that I had in my life to count on are now all spread throughout the US.
I can not explain to you why it is that I feel the way that I do nor can I really put into words what it is that I feel, but I will try. There have been a lot of situations lately that have presented themselves. When they came about in the past, I knew what to do, what to say, and how to react. Kinda like knowing when to walk away I guess. Knowing what situations I could handle, and words that I would not let effect me or my mood. Lately I am at a loss. I have feelings that come out...or that I feel, but what the feeling that I give off is usually anger. I don't always do it. I guess I can't call it anger, but frustration maybe more.
Don't assume that I walk around all day pissed off at the world and everyone in it. That's not the case. It just seems like I am being tested all the time and it's one thing after another. Just when I think I have my ducks in a row, something else happens. All I can do sometimes is throw my hands up in the air and say "WHAT THE HELL" I have directed my anger at people who do not always deserve to hear it. It's not ment to come off that way. I think that I am just saying how I feel and then the next minute someone is mad at me because it came off more like an attack.
I am working on this whole talking to others about how I feel thing. More times then not, I can't find the words that I want to say or the way that I want to say it, and it comes off all wrong. I get so frustrated with myself because I know thats not what I ment, and this is not the outcome that I was expecting. I get mad at myself that I made someone else mad, or hurt, or frustrated. I do not do it intentionally.
I think I am just on this roller coaster and personally I think it's because I take care of the way others are feeling before my own. I let things that bother me just bother me and eventually you think that you don't feel that way about something anymore. I know how to deal with other peoples feelings and emotions. I am not sure how to SHOW and TALK about my own. Which sucks, because all this time I thought I was doing everyone a favor. I guess I was. Everyone but myself. This is something that I have to do, but first I need to figure out the way to do it. No one can give me the answer, I have to find that on my own. Through trial and error I guess. I guess for now I am just waiting for the good, trying to get rid of the bad, and dealing with myself one day at a time to be a better person.
The good times and the bad times will both pass. It will pass. It will get easier. But the fact that it will get easier doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt now. When people try to minimize their own pain, they are doing themselves a dis-service. Don't do that. The truth is that it hurts because its real. It hurts because it mattered. And that is an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. But that does not mean that it will not end. That it won't get better. Because it will..... with time.
Things have been crazy around here. I won't get into any details, but I can say they happen to be personal matters, and I will keep them that way. People have been bugging me to come back though, so here I am!!!
I have some things to let out I guess, and though I have a personal journal, this seems like something that other people may be able to relate to as well. So here it goes, that dreaded word...FEELINGS. You know those things that women wished men had and wished we didn't have to have so many of.. I mean men have feelings. Certain ones. Like they may get upset when you tell them to make their own sandwich, and upset is a feeling.
I used to have a lot of them, and knew when to use each one. There were times where I had feelings and knew when to hold them back... grin and bare it. There was a time that I knew who I was. You know I knew my morals, I knew what I wanted, and I knew what I stood for. I knew how to seek out those in my life that would hurt me. I knew who to keep close to me, and I knew who wouldn't walk away when things got hard. I knew the people that would answer the phone no matter what time of day it was. I knew who I could ask for help with certain things. I knew who would give me a straight answer and who would tell me when I was wrong about something. Something has happened since then.
Today, I don't know all these things, and I don't feel as sure about them as I did before. I mean I know who proves their loyalty to me when needed, and who is there, for the most part, in tough situations. For some reason though, I feel as if I am being tested since being here. I am not sure why. Maybe its because I am a world away from family and close friends in Minnesota and Kansas. Maybe it's the thought that I can't just go home when I want to. Maybe it's that some of the best people that I had in my life to count on are now all spread throughout the US.
I can not explain to you why it is that I feel the way that I do nor can I really put into words what it is that I feel, but I will try. There have been a lot of situations lately that have presented themselves. When they came about in the past, I knew what to do, what to say, and how to react. Kinda like knowing when to walk away I guess. Knowing what situations I could handle, and words that I would not let effect me or my mood. Lately I am at a loss. I have feelings that come out...or that I feel, but what the feeling that I give off is usually anger. I don't always do it. I guess I can't call it anger, but frustration maybe more.
Don't assume that I walk around all day pissed off at the world and everyone in it. That's not the case. It just seems like I am being tested all the time and it's one thing after another. Just when I think I have my ducks in a row, something else happens. All I can do sometimes is throw my hands up in the air and say "WHAT THE HELL" I have directed my anger at people who do not always deserve to hear it. It's not ment to come off that way. I think that I am just saying how I feel and then the next minute someone is mad at me because it came off more like an attack.
I am working on this whole talking to others about how I feel thing. More times then not, I can't find the words that I want to say or the way that I want to say it, and it comes off all wrong. I get so frustrated with myself because I know thats not what I ment, and this is not the outcome that I was expecting. I get mad at myself that I made someone else mad, or hurt, or frustrated. I do not do it intentionally.
I think I am just on this roller coaster and personally I think it's because I take care of the way others are feeling before my own. I let things that bother me just bother me and eventually you think that you don't feel that way about something anymore. I know how to deal with other peoples feelings and emotions. I am not sure how to SHOW and TALK about my own. Which sucks, because all this time I thought I was doing everyone a favor. I guess I was. Everyone but myself. This is something that I have to do, but first I need to figure out the way to do it. No one can give me the answer, I have to find that on my own. Through trial and error I guess. I guess for now I am just waiting for the good, trying to get rid of the bad, and dealing with myself one day at a time to be a better person.
The good times and the bad times will both pass. It will pass. It will get easier. But the fact that it will get easier doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt now. When people try to minimize their own pain, they are doing themselves a dis-service. Don't do that. The truth is that it hurts because its real. It hurts because it mattered. And that is an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. But that does not mean that it will not end. That it won't get better. Because it will..... with time.
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