So, Dallas has been in Pre-Kindergarden for like almost a month now. The first week he was so EXCITED to go. He wanted to go to what he called the Nick JR room. He had played in there many times before since that is where the bigger kids went when I had an FRG night. It is a lot different then the daycare nights, and I knew that when I signed him up. He was ok with it the first week and has progressively been getting worse and worse when I drop him off. He just does not want to go. He does not like the structure and apparently does not like to be on someone else s schedule.
The weird part is, is that he is ok to start. Normally we have to stand outside the door for a few minutes because they don't allow you in till exactly one. He is always ok out there. He doesn't ever say anything until the door opens, and then he turns into a wet noodle. Now what I don't understand is why he waits till he is in the room to do this. It just seems to me, that normally they would start this when I say it's time to get in the car and go to school or when he pull up to the school or even walking in.
I don't know what the deal is, but I also have no idea how to handle it anymore. I want him to go and I know that he is learning there. I know this because his ways of thinking are more logical and he now notices things that he would not have noticed before. I know that he is paying attention in there because everyday he can tell me what he had for lunch. However, I am not going to lie, it is really embarrassing when he turns into a noodle, hangs onto me, and screams and kicks when I start to leave.
If he thinks that I am not going to make him go anymore because of this small obstacle, he is sadly mistaken. As hard as it is when I have to go through this, I know that it is for the best. It may not be mandatory that he goes right now but come next year, he has to and there is nothing that I can do. Today I think was the worst day. He threw a giant fit when I was going to leave, and then apparently refused to do anything with the class today. His teacher and I have decided that we were going to try a new approach, and let him borrow a book from the classroom each day. This was he has to return the book the next day, and it may be more incentive for him to go. This is what we are hoping anyways.
I know that she is probably frustrated with him and so am I. With what I pay for the service, he needs to be participating. This their job, and this is what they went to school for. I can't help but wonder if there is something that I did wrong along the way to make this the way that it is. I knew being a mom that things were not always going to be easy, but this is just a mystery. Perhaps he is testing the waters thinking that I might change something or not make him go. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Dave has been gone so long now and just left again from R&R. I hope that whatever it is, we can all get him past this little glitch, because I know that he can do it, and will love it eventually and I know that I need that break and aside from that he has to go eventually. I look at it and am grateful though that I am finding this out now rather than when he starts kindergarten next year. I just wish that I could help him adjust better.
I really think this is just another obstacle about the military lifestyle. With some kids having their dads there and others not, it's hard for them and they channel anger and frustration on other things, just like we as adults tend to do.
I guess as I fall asleep tonight I pray for the safety of my soldier, those that are with him and in other parts of the world, and for a better day tomorrow. One can hope so anyways. Its hard to remember with days like this, that tomorrow is a whole new day and a whole new start. When you have days like this, it's hard to wonder how they are going to get better. I know that we will though, because we are a strong family, and this is nothing more than another small road block that we must cross. As a family we will... because we have to. That's what the Military families do..... HOOAH!
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