So it's fall! Kansas has been pretty good about the weather and I've been terrible about posting. With the weather, it seems like some people's attitudes are starting to fall as well. It is reaching the end of the deployment and so I can see where nerves start to kick in. I am getting that way myself. 3/4 through this and you start to think about what it's all going to be like. I'll hit on those emotions and what I mean another day.
For today I figured I'd just let you up to speed. Davey is back out in the field and he loves it. He just called. So when he is happy, so am I.
Dallas has been doing good at school but I've not gotten Colton into daycare as much as I should. I noticed that last night. I dropped him off for a meeting and he didn't like it to much. He got over it lol. We will change that. I can always use a few more hours to myself.
I've been managing to get to my school work done little by little each night. I'm proud of myself. I've pulled straight a's. So that's a good thing. I know it's not always hard it's just hard to actually keep up. Tonight I had a 2 hour movie to watch. Which is fine, except it followed with 5 questions. Like really??!!! 2 hours for 5 questions. You would think that they could have summed it up a little better. I was so frustrated with that. In the end I got a 100% so I worked out. After I swore at the computer for about 20 minutes then I felt better. Nothing like looking like an idiot cusin out an object. Good thing no one was here to witness it.
A funny thing happened once. I had a large spider behind my tv and called my friend to come and help me
Kill it. I don't do spiders. So we didn't know how to kill it. I gave her a can of hairspray. Lmao. Well in the end it was stiff as a board and dead. So today she had a friend post on her Facebook page " I tried to kill a spider with hairspray. He is still alive, but his hair looks fantastic.". It was so funny. And a total relief that we are not the only nut balls around.
Aside from that the battalion work with Daves unit is picking up. Poster making and figuring out all the homecoming details. A ball is also in our future. It will take a lot of planning, but I'm sure will be so worth it after words. Aside from that the guys deserve it for all their hard work, and so do the women that got this far! Also planning the re deployment briefings and financial briefings. That's really exciting. I truly thought at this point, I'd be in the nut house!!! Glad im not. They would never let me leave for sure. Though there are many days I question my sanity and ability to make it any farther. But I'm still kicking.
I think that's the latest.
God took the strongest women and paired them up with soldiers.
Have a good night
My life is crazy since we started the "Army Lifestyle" Good an bad happens all the time, and to pass my free time, share my stories, and let out emotions I have started this blog site.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Military VS Civilian Friends
OK, so this was one of those little repost and post again things on Facebook today. With that being said, I am sure that you have probably seen it before. I can't imagine there are many people left in the world without a facebook page. My blog is all about the military life and the ins and outs. There is one thing that I have always felt i can't describe enough, and thats the value of friendship here in this life. I know that I have tried before but I can't say I was really successful. So here is the post with my remarks inputted in them.
Military vs. Civilian Friends
(now by doing something stupid, we don't totally mean breaking the law, but when you are a spouse of a soldier, you need to have some time to unwind. This is when things get crazy. I don't know about other groups of friends, but for us this means totally letting loose, talking like we were gitty little schoolgirls, and dancing like we wouldn't dance in public. aka ballerina or step bump step bump bump LOL. In other terms.... being a total and complete nerd, and we all love each other a little more for doing it that way :)
(Keep in mind that we all come from different parts of the US. The one thing that we don't get to see all that often is how family interacts. I can tell you with the interactions that we have had, they do become like your mom and dad real fast. I think this happens mostly because of the fact that you know they are supportive. I mean there child is here and they are here for a visit, so you can see they support you. I do know that when family comes to visit, i think they earn a new respect for us... Our group is a silly one! If you can survive us, you can survive any group of people.)
(it has been almost a year since we all went out and had a ladies night. I can tell you though that this is so true. Here in Fort Riley, Manhattan Kansas is about 15 minutes away. Manhattan is also a college town that happens to have a few blocks dedicated to nothing but bars for the entertainment of the college kids. Those days were so fun and I hope that we get a few more before people start PCSing after deployment. I know those were some of the first few times that I had that much fun in a long time. Wouldn't trade it for the world. The other fun part is that for some reason college kids make it easy to have a good time. You can start the night out thinking your in a normal spot, and then someone dressed in a vikings costume, totally waisted appears. They provide all the entertainment and you can sit in the same seat, and laugh and laugh and laugh.)
(This is beyond true. You see when we get together its generally a big event. There tends to be anywhere from 3-8 families at your house at one time. When that happens you can imagine its hard to cook and accompany that many people. Someone always brings something, and no one complains about sharing stuff. So there is always something that you find and you have no idea where it came from. )
(As was mentioned to me earlier when a friend of mine was reading this to me, there is no way she is going on a road march... But she is always there to listen. This is true for all of us. It never has mattered what time of night it is, or what we are in the middle of, when we see a call from a friend we all drop it all. We are always there to listen no matter what we have going on or how many things we are trying to get done. It's like an unspoken rule. We are all just there. We may not all do road marches, but we all do coffee, hotchoclate, breakfast, dinner, or a glass of wine.)
(This is the truest statement. I can tell you a few quotes or funny stories about each and every one of the girls that I am close to here. No one around us would know what we were talking about, but we do. We share the most embarrassing stories with each other. By most embarrassing, I mean the MOST. I don't think there is anything that we don't know about each other. We do it because we know that we can trust eachother, and because most of those stories are so embarrassing that they always make us all laugh.)
(I don't think that anyone knocks on my door, but that is all ok with me. I answer the door for guests. None of them are guests anymore, they are WAY WAY WAY past that point!)
(the most amazing feeling is to know that if I have a bad day there is someone there who is going to bring me some chocolate, someone who will bring me a bottle of wine, someone who will make me dinner, someone to help with the kids, and someone to make you laugh. It's fail proof and it makes me feel that much more fortunate each and every time.)
(this is the same as the items. We all had a rummage sale awhile ago, and within minutes, no one cared about the money, we were having a blast. Even if we were buying each others things LMAO, We don't worry about the small details.)
(We all just cross our fingers that this one never has to happen to prove it! It is a fact however, that I am close enough to these girls, to want to do anything to take any pain away. there are some of us that don't get to talk to our husbands as much as the others. There are so many times that we have had something bad happen or just a crappy stressful day with kids. With all of that there is not one of us that doesn't try and step in and make the day a little brighter or have encouraging words. We all know that our husbands would do it if they were here instead. Bascially we are all helping the men out at the same time. I really think this takes a little more stress off them when they are gone to know that there is always someone there for you no matter what.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will ignore this
In all reality these girls are the best. This is not to say that I don't have civilian friends that would do anything for me, but sometimes thats hard. Here, we are all in the same situation, or have been at one time. We know deep down that without our friends, we don't have anything when we end up facing deployment. Friendship has become the most valuable thing to me aside from the communication I get from my husband, because that is surley a given! I was so scared to come here and worried about the girls that I would meet, or the fact that I wouldn't have friends. This has been the best group of friends and I cant say that I would trade this life and I am so damn glad I came. NOTHING will top this group there is just no way.
On a more personal note though, I was able to talk to dave on the webcam yesterday. I love seeing his face. I like the phone calls and the instant messaging too, but aside from seeing him in person thats the next best thing. I know that he would tell me if he was not ok, but just seeing his face is the most amazing feeling. Im so thankful of what i can have. You take for granted all the little things in life sometimes, but this has tought me to appreciate the smaller things, and don't sweat the small things. Dallas also had a treasure hunt at his school today, where the parents come in about a half hour before the end of the day and they get to take you around the room. They give you a paper and you and your child get to go around and show and tell you about all his stations in this class. He gets to show you what he does in all of them. When you find a station you get a sticker, and when you fill all the stations, the kids get to go to the class treasure chest and get a prize. We got one, he did so great and I was so proud I know that daddy would too. I would have loved to tape it for dave, but there was so many kids and parents all over the place, that would have been a giant task. Dave will be home before he is done with school so hopefully they will get to share of these things as well. Every Friday in his class, they have something called show and share. So they have to bring in something to the school that they can show and share with the kids. Each week there is a theme to what they need to bring. Tomorrow is bring something that reminds you of your family. Dallas mentioned that he wants to bring his daddy doll to class. I am sure that he is not the only lid either. But I am so happy thats what he choose. I told dave about it and he was so happy too. He said that if he had to bring something into work that was important to him, he would bring in the train that dallas sent to him.
I don't know if I ever told this on here, but when dave first left, Dallas sent him a little pocket sized Thomas the train that Dave could carry around with him, and Colton sent daddy his nook when he got him off of it. So he has something from each of them to take with him in his pocket whenever he has to go out. I know that they are special to him and I am glad that they all share that connection, because any connection is not easy to maintain while across an ocean.
I think that is all for the day, and I hope to write more soon. Have a great night... TIme for bed !!!! NIGHT
Military vs. Civilian Friends
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Tell you not to do something stupid when drunk.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will post 360 security so you dont get caught.
(now by doing something stupid, we don't totally mean breaking the law, but when you are a spouse of a soldier, you need to have some time to unwind. This is when things get crazy. I don't know about other groups of friends, but for us this means totally letting loose, talking like we were gitty little schoolgirls, and dancing like we wouldn't dance in public. aka ballerina or step bump step bump bump LOL. In other terms.... being a total and complete nerd, and we all love each other a little more for doing it that way :)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad.
(Keep in mind that we all come from different parts of the US. The one thing that we don't get to see all that often is how family interacts. I can tell you with the interactions that we have had, they do become like your mom and dad real fast. I think this happens mostly because of the fact that you know they are supportive. I mean there child is here and they are here for a visit, so you can see they support you. I do know that when family comes to visit, i think they earn a new respect for us... Our group is a silly one! If you can survive us, you can survive any group of people.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Hope the night out drinking goes smoothly, and hope that no one is late for the ride home.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Know some wild stuff will happen, and set up rally points and an E & E route.
(it has been almost a year since we all went out and had a ladies night. I can tell you though that this is so true. Here in Fort Riley, Manhattan Kansas is about 15 minutes away. Manhattan is also a college town that happens to have a few blocks dedicated to nothing but bars for the entertainment of the college kids. Those days were so fun and I hope that we get a few more before people start PCSing after deployment. I know those were some of the first few times that I had that much fun in a long time. Wouldn't trade it for the world. The other fun part is that for some reason college kids make it easy to have a good time. You can start the night out thinking your in a normal spot, and then someone dressed in a vikings costume, totally waisted appears. They provide all the entertainment and you can sit in the same seat, and laugh and laugh and laugh.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we f**ked up...but hey, that was fun!"
(this has yet to happen, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that its not going to. I think we are all better behaved then that, and aside from that without the guys here and having kids, It would be a little irresponsible to let it go that far. I DO know that if this was "back in the younger days" we would all be screaming "Hold my beer and watch this shit!" Then laughing about how dumb whatever we just did was. But this is not the case, and I know my husband would break my fingers if I attempted. But it's funny to talk about the scenarios LOL.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Steal each other's stuff so often nobody remembers who bought it in the first place.
(This is beyond true. You see when we get together its generally a big event. There tends to be anywhere from 3-8 families at your house at one time. When that happens you can imagine its hard to cook and accompany that many people. Someone always brings something, and no one complains about sharing stuff. So there is always something that you find and you have no idea where it came from. )
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will listen to your relationship problems and hope it works out for you.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will listen to you over a long hard road march, and will help you straighten it out better than Dr. Phil.
(As was mentioned to me earlier when a friend of mine was reading this to me, there is no way she is going on a road march... But she is always there to listen. This is true for all of us. It never has mattered what time of night it is, or what we are in the middle of, when we see a call from a friend we all drop it all. We are always there to listen no matter what we have going on or how many things we are trying to get done. It's like an unspoken rule. We are all just there. We may not all do road marches, but we all do coffee, hotchoclate, breakfast, dinner, or a glass of wine.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.
(This is the truest statement. I can tell you a few quotes or funny stories about each and every one of the girls that I am close to here. No one around us would know what we were talking about, but we do. We share the most embarrassing stories with each other. By most embarrassing, I mean the MOST. I don't think there is anything that we don't know about each other. We do it because we know that we can trust eachother, and because most of those stories are so embarrassing that they always make us all laugh.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Might try to hit on your girl behind your back.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Have spooned with you in the field more than your girl has, and would never even think about doing that.
(After about 2.5 years in the Military life, I really thought this was a joke. Just something they say to get a giggle. However I have learned that for some this is SO TRUE. When you think about it, what else would you do when your freezing in a tent. It's not like your camping. You cant just go into the car and get warm, or decide it's too cold to camp and go home. Your there and you can't leave. Body heat is the best heat so I can't say that I blame them. It is survival skills and I would probably do the same thing!)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"
(I don't think that anyone knocks on my door, but that is all ok with me. I answer the door for guests. None of them are guests anymore, they are WAY WAY WAY past that point!)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will wish you had enough money to go out that night, and are sorry you couldn't come.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will share their last dollar with you, drag you along, and try to work free drinks all night.
(the most amazing feeling is to know that if I have a bad day there is someone there who is going to bring me some chocolate, someone who will bring me a bottle of wine, someone who will make me dinner, someone to help with the kids, and someone to make you laugh. It's fail proof and it makes me feel that much more fortunate each and every time.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Want the money they loaned you back next week.
MILITARY FRIENDS: Can't begin to remember who owes who money after taking care of each other for so long.
(this is the same as the items. We all had a rummage sale awhile ago, and within minutes, no one cared about the money, we were having a blast. Even if we were buying each others things LMAO, We don't worry about the small details.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will tell you "They'd take a bullet for you."
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will actually take a bullet for you.
(We all just cross our fingers that this one never has to happen to prove it! It is a fact however, that I am close enough to these girls, to want to do anything to take any pain away. there are some of us that don't get to talk to our husbands as much as the others. There are so many times that we have had something bad happen or just a crappy stressful day with kids. With all of that there is not one of us that doesn't try and step in and make the day a little brighter or have encouraging words. We all know that our husbands would do it if they were here instead. Bascially we are all helping the men out at the same time. I really think this takes a little more stress off them when they are gone to know that there is always someone there for you no matter what.)
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will ignore this
MILITARY FRIENDS: Will repost this
In all reality these girls are the best. This is not to say that I don't have civilian friends that would do anything for me, but sometimes thats hard. Here, we are all in the same situation, or have been at one time. We know deep down that without our friends, we don't have anything when we end up facing deployment. Friendship has become the most valuable thing to me aside from the communication I get from my husband, because that is surley a given! I was so scared to come here and worried about the girls that I would meet, or the fact that I wouldn't have friends. This has been the best group of friends and I cant say that I would trade this life and I am so damn glad I came. NOTHING will top this group there is just no way.
On a more personal note though, I was able to talk to dave on the webcam yesterday. I love seeing his face. I like the phone calls and the instant messaging too, but aside from seeing him in person thats the next best thing. I know that he would tell me if he was not ok, but just seeing his face is the most amazing feeling. Im so thankful of what i can have. You take for granted all the little things in life sometimes, but this has tought me to appreciate the smaller things, and don't sweat the small things. Dallas also had a treasure hunt at his school today, where the parents come in about a half hour before the end of the day and they get to take you around the room. They give you a paper and you and your child get to go around and show and tell you about all his stations in this class. He gets to show you what he does in all of them. When you find a station you get a sticker, and when you fill all the stations, the kids get to go to the class treasure chest and get a prize. We got one, he did so great and I was so proud I know that daddy would too. I would have loved to tape it for dave, but there was so many kids and parents all over the place, that would have been a giant task. Dave will be home before he is done with school so hopefully they will get to share of these things as well. Every Friday in his class, they have something called show and share. So they have to bring in something to the school that they can show and share with the kids. Each week there is a theme to what they need to bring. Tomorrow is bring something that reminds you of your family. Dallas mentioned that he wants to bring his daddy doll to class. I am sure that he is not the only lid either. But I am so happy thats what he choose. I told dave about it and he was so happy too. He said that if he had to bring something into work that was important to him, he would bring in the train that dallas sent to him.
I don't know if I ever told this on here, but when dave first left, Dallas sent him a little pocket sized Thomas the train that Dave could carry around with him, and Colton sent daddy his nook when he got him off of it. So he has something from each of them to take with him in his pocket whenever he has to go out. I know that they are special to him and I am glad that they all share that connection, because any connection is not easy to maintain while across an ocean.
I think that is all for the day, and I hope to write more soon. Have a great night... TIme for bed !!!! NIGHT
Monday, September 19, 2011
This and that
I don't have a specific purpose to this blog, but i planned to write anyways. I guess I feel like my head is full, and it all really needs somewhere to go. Lets start with the weather. I don't know what it is doing actually. It's the most indecisive thing there is right now. It doesn't know what it wants to do. Now don't forget i spent 22 years in Minnesota. Northern Minnesota at that. It goes from hot to freezing there in hours. You can be out in your swimsuit and then all of a sudden its snowing. That is the sad truth. I really thought that getting out of there, I would be able to experience the slow progress that most are used to when the weather cools or heats up. WOW I was wrong. Mother nature is clearly Bi-polar this year with Kansas. Went from 105-90's to 55! Really. Now I know I was complaining that it was too hot before. 55 Was a little lower than I was hoping for. What happened to the 80, 70, 60. Well finally after a week of the cold it was back up to 79 again today. I still wish it would make up it's mind before I end up getting sick because of the constant changes.
On a more personal level, Dallas is doing so much better with his school. It is so hectic when we first get in there. They need to put their bags away, wash their hands, find there name on the table, sign in, and sit on the color rug. Reminder that this all has to be done while 40 parents sign them into one sheet and try to get through the room to help the child with their names. On top of that we all know I have Colton with. I'm usually out of there in 15 minutes, but its a chore thats for sure. So, I have to help him with his name. When he started this one month ago, he couldn't write his name AT ALL. I work with him everyone (which is just a few minutes at a time in class) with his name, and he is doing great. I just make the little dots for him to follow and today, he pretty much did it all by himself!!! I was so happy. Well worth the money we put into it already. He does listen better there in that setting then he does when I am one on one with him at home. There is so much more for him to want to do here at home lol. So that part of life is going well.
You all probably know that was colton was sick a little while ago. I don't know if the fluid has drained in his ears yet, but I know they are no longer red, he doesn't complain about them anymore. I know that I need to get his ears checked, but before you all jump down my throat, they told me to wait 3-4 weeks at the least to see. So that is what I am doing since last time i went in earlier and i kind of screwed myself. So I am going to call this week and get that out of the way.
I have also told myself more than one time, that I was going to go in and see what they can do about my smoking. I mean well they can't do anything, but there was a time that I was taking meds and had to stop taking them. So they were working. I am scared now though. SO many of those things have side effects that include things like nightmares. Id really hate to have those and be alone with the kids. Hopefully they can get me something that doesn't do that if it even exists. My point with mentioning this is that there is just not enough time in the day.
Aside from that though there is nothing to much that has gone on. Been hanging with the girls more often the usual I guess. Which is a good thing. They ALWAYS make me smile no matter what kind of mood. Very Thankful for all that I have. Even at 8 am when a friend who is back home for awhile calls me and yells good morning at me. (We all know I don't like mornings!) But I love her anyways. There is a friend who i might adopt as a second mommy to my kids since we always have our kids together anyways. I don't know even really how to say it all. Its just weird how so many people from so many parts of the us, in one place, can get a long SO WELL. I do know how though, we are all in the same situation and without eachother we have nothing.
I have a 6.5 hour day in class tomorrow. I only have to do 2 of those every so often. Its never that bad, I always come out of there feeling like i really got a lot done, and sometimes a little smarter. It's not that great when your kids are in, you made plans for tomorrow and you then realize you won't be doing anything except sitting in class staring at the computer. That was a major bummer. Ill get through though. This is not just for me, this is for my husband and my kids. My husband has done such a wonderful job taking care of us for the last 5 years, I want to be able to get a GOOD job and help a little. Plus with Dallas going to school, and colton can go to Pre school next year, it's about time. At the same time I know this is the last time in my life that I will probably be a stay at home mom and so I am trying to enjoy that as well. As time gets closer to Dave coming home I get more and more excited and nervous. I never thought that I would be nervous to have my husband home, but I actually am. Just hoping for smooth sailing I guess.
There are so many downsides to having your husband gone. I miss out on so much more that a couple that is not in the military. BUT check this out, there is something that I can do, that they can't.... I get to fall in love with the same man more than one time :) Pretty excited to do it all over again.....
Anyways this was a ton of babble and now its time to munch on a caramel apple and head to the bath... MAMA needs one...
On a more personal level, Dallas is doing so much better with his school. It is so hectic when we first get in there. They need to put their bags away, wash their hands, find there name on the table, sign in, and sit on the color rug. Reminder that this all has to be done while 40 parents sign them into one sheet and try to get through the room to help the child with their names. On top of that we all know I have Colton with. I'm usually out of there in 15 minutes, but its a chore thats for sure. So, I have to help him with his name. When he started this one month ago, he couldn't write his name AT ALL. I work with him everyone (which is just a few minutes at a time in class) with his name, and he is doing great. I just make the little dots for him to follow and today, he pretty much did it all by himself!!! I was so happy. Well worth the money we put into it already. He does listen better there in that setting then he does when I am one on one with him at home. There is so much more for him to want to do here at home lol. So that part of life is going well.
You all probably know that was colton was sick a little while ago. I don't know if the fluid has drained in his ears yet, but I know they are no longer red, he doesn't complain about them anymore. I know that I need to get his ears checked, but before you all jump down my throat, they told me to wait 3-4 weeks at the least to see. So that is what I am doing since last time i went in earlier and i kind of screwed myself. So I am going to call this week and get that out of the way.
I have also told myself more than one time, that I was going to go in and see what they can do about my smoking. I mean well they can't do anything, but there was a time that I was taking meds and had to stop taking them. So they were working. I am scared now though. SO many of those things have side effects that include things like nightmares. Id really hate to have those and be alone with the kids. Hopefully they can get me something that doesn't do that if it even exists. My point with mentioning this is that there is just not enough time in the day.
Aside from that though there is nothing to much that has gone on. Been hanging with the girls more often the usual I guess. Which is a good thing. They ALWAYS make me smile no matter what kind of mood. Very Thankful for all that I have. Even at 8 am when a friend who is back home for awhile calls me and yells good morning at me. (We all know I don't like mornings!) But I love her anyways. There is a friend who i might adopt as a second mommy to my kids since we always have our kids together anyways. I don't know even really how to say it all. Its just weird how so many people from so many parts of the us, in one place, can get a long SO WELL. I do know how though, we are all in the same situation and without eachother we have nothing.
I have a 6.5 hour day in class tomorrow. I only have to do 2 of those every so often. Its never that bad, I always come out of there feeling like i really got a lot done, and sometimes a little smarter. It's not that great when your kids are in, you made plans for tomorrow and you then realize you won't be doing anything except sitting in class staring at the computer. That was a major bummer. Ill get through though. This is not just for me, this is for my husband and my kids. My husband has done such a wonderful job taking care of us for the last 5 years, I want to be able to get a GOOD job and help a little. Plus with Dallas going to school, and colton can go to Pre school next year, it's about time. At the same time I know this is the last time in my life that I will probably be a stay at home mom and so I am trying to enjoy that as well. As time gets closer to Dave coming home I get more and more excited and nervous. I never thought that I would be nervous to have my husband home, but I actually am. Just hoping for smooth sailing I guess.
There are so many downsides to having your husband gone. I miss out on so much more that a couple that is not in the military. BUT check this out, there is something that I can do, that they can't.... I get to fall in love with the same man more than one time :) Pretty excited to do it all over again.....
Anyways this was a ton of babble and now its time to munch on a caramel apple and head to the bath... MAMA needs one...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
9/11... need I say more?
Today I took a little trip, to a place I was not aware of until earlier this month. Its the monument for the Fallen during the Global War on Terrorism, here at Fort Riley. This really only shows you the soldiers that have given the ultimate sacrifice while stationed here. These are people from all over the world. Though these cut very deep into my soul, it was a small portion of the lives lost these last 10 years. These are not people that lost their lives in the Trade Centers that day, or the lives of those that tried to save many from the buildings. This does not show you those that lost their lives fighting this war from any other Army, Marine, Airforce, or Naval base throughout the world, nor does it show you the names of the families behind any of these heroes.
It is however, a very peaceful serene location where people can go to pay respect to those that are BIG RED ONE heroes, and will never be forgotten. What they have given was everything. They did what many are scared to do, and gave it all for people they didn't know. The families behind them are forever without so that we may be with. For that there is no way to say thank you.
I can tell you where I was when the Trade Centers went down, what I can't tell you is what I thought about it. I was 14 and I can't say that this is something that seemed to very severe to me. Now don't take that wrong way, I was aware that there were a LOT of people in there that were more than likely not going to make it out. I just didn't grasp what it ment for this country as a whole. What I didn't know is the severity of the issue, and that what had really happened would be an on going battle. I could not have told you that 10 years later a would be married to a man that is now over there fighting the war, that started when I was 14. What I can say is that I do remember how things changed after that. People you never talked to before helped you when you needed it, they said hi when they normally would not, they smiled a little bigger at you, and the whole nation was a little closer. I can say that I did see the patriotism not just in my community, but through out the country. In the newspapers, on the tv, and in the local grocery store. We were, at that time, all one nation!
In the 10 years since, I don't see that so much anymore. Seems as though we do forget sometimes. I know I do. I forget sometimes while I am to concerned about the little things life. No obviously I have a pretty good reminder that there is war with my husband being there and all, but I forget sometimes what it's all about. I forget where it started because I get so focused on the little things in life. When something doesn't go my way. When in reality that is all part of a smaller picture. I feel like some people really don't understand what a military family goes through and they probably never will until they live that life. I do know that some have really forgotten what it is all about. It is not about supporting the war. Some people really don't, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is a war in place, so that you have the right to state your opinion and I am a supporter of that. I think it's fair. However, I hate people that are so terribly mean to people because they are Military and they don't support the war, so therefore do not support the troops. I understand they may not all have a constant reminder, and there not sleeping with a cell phone and laptop for 12 months. There kids are not sleeping with "daddy dolls" so it's a little harder to remember. I think that I would remember all the events and the fact that 9/11happened much more often if there was in fact someone close to me that I lost in the events. Same thing. Well not the same thing, but the point I am trying to make is. The truth is, it's not just those that lost their lives from Fort Riley, or within 2011. Its not just about those that lost lives in the airplanes, or in the trade centers. It's about something much more. It's about all of that, and the fact that though may say this nation is still one, it sure does not feel like it did when this event first happened. I feel like many have forgotten the kind, warm, togetherness feeling we all had. the feeling that no one could take us down no matter how they tried. the feeling and sense of being surrounded by heroes. Because no matter what way you look at it, we still are. There are heroes still looking down on us, and there are many around us in the community. There are many over sea for you and there is some next to you. I really think that we all need to remember that sense of patriotism that we had then and bring that back.. and not just on 9/11 anniversaries, but all the time and all year long. So as you go about your day, smile a little more, help someone you might not have before, and NEVER EVER forget the BRAVE men and women from 9/11 and those that have come since that day, to make this country a safer place to be! We are after all... ONE NATION under god .
It is however, a very peaceful serene location where people can go to pay respect to those that are BIG RED ONE heroes, and will never be forgotten. What they have given was everything. They did what many are scared to do, and gave it all for people they didn't know. The families behind them are forever without so that we may be with. For that there is no way to say thank you.
I can tell you where I was when the Trade Centers went down, what I can't tell you is what I thought about it. I was 14 and I can't say that this is something that seemed to very severe to me. Now don't take that wrong way, I was aware that there were a LOT of people in there that were more than likely not going to make it out. I just didn't grasp what it ment for this country as a whole. What I didn't know is the severity of the issue, and that what had really happened would be an on going battle. I could not have told you that 10 years later a would be married to a man that is now over there fighting the war, that started when I was 14. What I can say is that I do remember how things changed after that. People you never talked to before helped you when you needed it, they said hi when they normally would not, they smiled a little bigger at you, and the whole nation was a little closer. I can say that I did see the patriotism not just in my community, but through out the country. In the newspapers, on the tv, and in the local grocery store. We were, at that time, all one nation!
In the 10 years since, I don't see that so much anymore. Seems as though we do forget sometimes. I know I do. I forget sometimes while I am to concerned about the little things life. No obviously I have a pretty good reminder that there is war with my husband being there and all, but I forget sometimes what it's all about. I forget where it started because I get so focused on the little things in life. When something doesn't go my way. When in reality that is all part of a smaller picture. I feel like some people really don't understand what a military family goes through and they probably never will until they live that life. I do know that some have really forgotten what it is all about. It is not about supporting the war. Some people really don't, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is a war in place, so that you have the right to state your opinion and I am a supporter of that. I think it's fair. However, I hate people that are so terribly mean to people because they are Military and they don't support the war, so therefore do not support the troops. I understand they may not all have a constant reminder, and there not sleeping with a cell phone and laptop for 12 months. There kids are not sleeping with "daddy dolls" so it's a little harder to remember. I think that I would remember all the events and the fact that 9/11happened much more often if there was in fact someone close to me that I lost in the events. Same thing. Well not the same thing, but the point I am trying to make is. The truth is, it's not just those that lost their lives from Fort Riley, or within 2011. Its not just about those that lost lives in the airplanes, or in the trade centers. It's about something much more. It's about all of that, and the fact that though may say this nation is still one, it sure does not feel like it did when this event first happened. I feel like many have forgotten the kind, warm, togetherness feeling we all had. the feeling that no one could take us down no matter how they tried. the feeling and sense of being surrounded by heroes. Because no matter what way you look at it, we still are. There are heroes still looking down on us, and there are many around us in the community. There are many over sea for you and there is some next to you. I really think that we all need to remember that sense of patriotism that we had then and bring that back.. and not just on 9/11 anniversaries, but all the time and all year long. So as you go about your day, smile a little more, help someone you might not have before, and NEVER EVER forget the BRAVE men and women from 9/11 and those that have come since that day, to make this country a safer place to be! We are after all... ONE NATION under god .
9/11 monuments,
brave heroes,
family in the military
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Honeymoon is OVER
So, Dallas has been in Pre-Kindergarden for like almost a month now. The first week he was so EXCITED to go. He wanted to go to what he called the Nick JR room. He had played in there many times before since that is where the bigger kids went when I had an FRG night. It is a lot different then the daycare nights, and I knew that when I signed him up. He was ok with it the first week and has progressively been getting worse and worse when I drop him off. He just does not want to go. He does not like the structure and apparently does not like to be on someone else s schedule.
The weird part is, is that he is ok to start. Normally we have to stand outside the door for a few minutes because they don't allow you in till exactly one. He is always ok out there. He doesn't ever say anything until the door opens, and then he turns into a wet noodle. Now what I don't understand is why he waits till he is in the room to do this. It just seems to me, that normally they would start this when I say it's time to get in the car and go to school or when he pull up to the school or even walking in.
I don't know what the deal is, but I also have no idea how to handle it anymore. I want him to go and I know that he is learning there. I know this because his ways of thinking are more logical and he now notices things that he would not have noticed before. I know that he is paying attention in there because everyday he can tell me what he had for lunch. However, I am not going to lie, it is really embarrassing when he turns into a noodle, hangs onto me, and screams and kicks when I start to leave.
If he thinks that I am not going to make him go anymore because of this small obstacle, he is sadly mistaken. As hard as it is when I have to go through this, I know that it is for the best. It may not be mandatory that he goes right now but come next year, he has to and there is nothing that I can do. Today I think was the worst day. He threw a giant fit when I was going to leave, and then apparently refused to do anything with the class today. His teacher and I have decided that we were going to try a new approach, and let him borrow a book from the classroom each day. This was he has to return the book the next day, and it may be more incentive for him to go. This is what we are hoping anyways.
I know that she is probably frustrated with him and so am I. With what I pay for the service, he needs to be participating. This their job, and this is what they went to school for. I can't help but wonder if there is something that I did wrong along the way to make this the way that it is. I knew being a mom that things were not always going to be easy, but this is just a mystery. Perhaps he is testing the waters thinking that I might change something or not make him go. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Dave has been gone so long now and just left again from R&R. I hope that whatever it is, we can all get him past this little glitch, because I know that he can do it, and will love it eventually and I know that I need that break and aside from that he has to go eventually. I look at it and am grateful though that I am finding this out now rather than when he starts kindergarten next year. I just wish that I could help him adjust better.
I really think this is just another obstacle about the military lifestyle. With some kids having their dads there and others not, it's hard for them and they channel anger and frustration on other things, just like we as adults tend to do.
I guess as I fall asleep tonight I pray for the safety of my soldier, those that are with him and in other parts of the world, and for a better day tomorrow. One can hope so anyways. Its hard to remember with days like this, that tomorrow is a whole new day and a whole new start. When you have days like this, it's hard to wonder how they are going to get better. I know that we will though, because we are a strong family, and this is nothing more than another small road block that we must cross. As a family we will... because we have to. That's what the Military families do..... HOOAH!
The weird part is, is that he is ok to start. Normally we have to stand outside the door for a few minutes because they don't allow you in till exactly one. He is always ok out there. He doesn't ever say anything until the door opens, and then he turns into a wet noodle. Now what I don't understand is why he waits till he is in the room to do this. It just seems to me, that normally they would start this when I say it's time to get in the car and go to school or when he pull up to the school or even walking in.
I don't know what the deal is, but I also have no idea how to handle it anymore. I want him to go and I know that he is learning there. I know this because his ways of thinking are more logical and he now notices things that he would not have noticed before. I know that he is paying attention in there because everyday he can tell me what he had for lunch. However, I am not going to lie, it is really embarrassing when he turns into a noodle, hangs onto me, and screams and kicks when I start to leave.
If he thinks that I am not going to make him go anymore because of this small obstacle, he is sadly mistaken. As hard as it is when I have to go through this, I know that it is for the best. It may not be mandatory that he goes right now but come next year, he has to and there is nothing that I can do. Today I think was the worst day. He threw a giant fit when I was going to leave, and then apparently refused to do anything with the class today. His teacher and I have decided that we were going to try a new approach, and let him borrow a book from the classroom each day. This was he has to return the book the next day, and it may be more incentive for him to go. This is what we are hoping anyways.
I know that she is probably frustrated with him and so am I. With what I pay for the service, he needs to be participating. This their job, and this is what they went to school for. I can't help but wonder if there is something that I did wrong along the way to make this the way that it is. I knew being a mom that things were not always going to be easy, but this is just a mystery. Perhaps he is testing the waters thinking that I might change something or not make him go. Maybe it has to do with the fact that Dave has been gone so long now and just left again from R&R. I hope that whatever it is, we can all get him past this little glitch, because I know that he can do it, and will love it eventually and I know that I need that break and aside from that he has to go eventually. I look at it and am grateful though that I am finding this out now rather than when he starts kindergarten next year. I just wish that I could help him adjust better.
I really think this is just another obstacle about the military lifestyle. With some kids having their dads there and others not, it's hard for them and they channel anger and frustration on other things, just like we as adults tend to do.
I guess as I fall asleep tonight I pray for the safety of my soldier, those that are with him and in other parts of the world, and for a better day tomorrow. One can hope so anyways. Its hard to remember with days like this, that tomorrow is a whole new day and a whole new start. When you have days like this, it's hard to wonder how they are going to get better. I know that we will though, because we are a strong family, and this is nothing more than another small road block that we must cross. As a family we will... because we have to. That's what the Military families do..... HOOAH!
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