Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Grandma

Lucille Delores Dorscher

Grandma, you were such an amazing person since I can remember. You have always been there for me and have always helped me no matter what I needed. I have learned so much from you, and have so many memories. Some of my earliest memories start with camping trips in the pop up camper.
Packing lunches to go fishing on the boat.
You and I watching the birds outside. You would teach me what the birds where. Even if it was a little boring at the time I cherish the time now.
Showing me around the garden and introducing me to fresh peas and carrots. Nothing can compare to those!
Watching the Jungle Book over and over no matter how much you would have watched anything else at that point.
Sitting in your truck, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.
You and Grandpa letting me sit in the boat in the yard and letting me cast.
Saturday nights at your house so I could go to church with you in the morning.
Letting the dog in my room to lick my face to wake me every Sunday.
Chocolate Malt-o-meal, toast and O.J. every Sunday morning before church, than church. than you me and grandpa going out to eat. (Chocolate smily faced pancakes at Village inn with extra whipped Cream)
Shopping EVERY Sunday after lunch at Herbergers'
Singing and recording us singing a million songs, than listening to them back and laughing.
You and Grandpa trying to teach me say loon, and i smashed my face off the table.
Giving me your nylons to "skate" on the kitchen floor. After i fell i never asked again.
Hiding in your closet for about a half hour before we realized that no one was going to come looking for us.
Your closet and the million pairs of high heels lined up all over the whole closet.
Playing returant in the basement at the unused bar.
The day everything changed, you came out of the shower to take me summer shopping and nothing was ever the same after that shower. I remember having to watch grandpa try to get you into the van to the hospital. Sitting in the waiting room. Un aware of what was going on.
After all of that you were in the nursing home and paralized on your left side. Everything chaged so much in the 11 years that you were there. Grandpa got sick and passed, all the weddings and great grandkids. I wish you were there for it all. I never blamed you for not being able to be. You have gone through so much in the last 11 years. You became the longest resident at St Micheals Nursing Home. You made amazing friends there and great people that loved you so much they became more like family to all of us.
Being able to come home to say good bye to you ment so much to me. Even though it was so hard to see you in such rough shape those first few days that you were talking were so great. I loved to hear you say you loved me and for me to be able to tell you how much I loved you.
After you passed I I think I was relived as you were in so so so much pain and so ready to see grandpa again. I had a hard hard time but I know that I had to say something at your viewing and so I did, and i am glad that I did. I have no regrets at all. At your funeral along with a rose we grand kids were asked to offer something that reminded us of you and i offered yarn, you crochets so many amazing things and helped to show me how. I think that I might try to learn how again.

Grandma~ You were an amazing, strong, funny, hard working person. You were so great to me and always there for me. And like always you will always be in my heart and my thoughts. All those memories are always going to be with me. I will share them with my kids as time goes on and I will visit you every chance I can. Someday I will see you again, and it will be amazing.

Thank you for everything, never forget that I love you and tell grandpa I miss him so much! I hope that you both have found each other and you are Polka dancing up there :)

Love always and forever,
Whitney Jean

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