Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Been Awhile

I know that it has been almost a month since I have been able to write in here. Not that I have not had any time at all, but I have been using all the free time that I have to either relax, get with friends, or the many other things that I have been doing. We did a Yard Sale last weekend. I think that it went well. Some things sold better than others. I didn't know that I has as much as I had and so I didn't think that I would make the money that I did. Its nice to have extra money for things that are just going to sit in the garage anyways. I think that we going to try again this next weekend. I want to get some more cash and most importantly get rid of the things that we are not using.
I am all healed from the Wisdom teeth being removed. All the holes and things are gone now and so that is so much better. I didn't think that they were causing all the issues that they must have been. Still time to get some more fillings but SO much better compared to what it was like.
Other than that I have been getting things accomplished, and cleaned. I got Dallas enrolled in Pre Kindergarden 5 days a week. I can not believe this is the last free time he will have before he starts school for like ever. I hope that he learns a ton there too! I know that he will like it there. Next year Colton can even do the pre school part days. I think i need a job. I never thought that I had free time coming this soon!
Aside from all of that, I have been preparing for out rest and relaxation. Sometimes you don't realize how much work that is till you have to do it. I have been getting him some new clothes and things so he has something when he comes home. Also been planning our trip out the best that I can. Sometimes it can get to be a major downer though because you really don't get to know when they are coming for sure. You sit and you wait and wait and wait. It feels like forever. I am really anxious to be able to have him back with me though. I know that it will be a little different to start to get him back into family life just to let him leave again. I mean I don't want to ruin the whole routine that we have established, but at the same time he needs to be included as well. Its going to be hard, but the time that we have is so short, and will go by so fast that i dont care. I am so glad that he wants to spend some time in Kansas too. I know that we both want to go home and that people there want to see him too. I think that I can be a little greedy though this time around :) It sure has not been easy with him gone. I more or less want to make sure that the kids get all the time with him that they can. Since it should be our anniversary and my birthday while he is here, i think its a fine time to make time for just me and him.
I don't know how many of you all have gone through this whole r and r thing yet. I can say, without a doubt, there is only want thing that I want to accomplish in the time that he home. I want us to grow. Its been so long and it is so hard for us to keep in touch, i hope that we can start to make up for all that time. I know that no matter what we do the time will be well spent. its not about me anyways. It is all about what he wants to do. He is the one that is giving up everything for 12 months. Least he can get is 2 weeks all about him. Long as he doesnt make it a habbit when he is home for good :).
You know that I started this so that I could look back and remeber all those feelings that i was going through at this time, and so that anyone going through it could relate a little. However, It is a lot harder than i thought it would be to describe the feelings that I thought would be so easy. I just know that all I can say, is each day that passes, we are one day closer, and with that Iget more and more anxious about it all. And i know that for the two weeks that he is here, i will be able to breathe again and that in itself is a great feeling. Not that anyone should have to give up their husbands or loved ones for any amount of time little lone a year. When your options are limited you learn to love it all that much more, and the time that you get is that much more cherished. Truthfully I don't know any other way to build one awesome relationship with one extremly impressive american Hero

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