Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bam!!! Reality check

Tonight I watched army wives, like every other Sunday. But this one was different, it was sad, it was hard.... But most importantly it gave me a reality check. I have yet to do a deployment. I have yet to experience the feelings of that void.
I know that the show is not what the real army is and if I would not have started watching it before we joined, I would have never started for that reason.
I can't really explain how ready I thought I would be, and how many times I tell myself it will all be ok. What I have forgotten to tell myself, is that it can happen anytime. That no matter what we are in the middle of in our lives he could have to start leaving. I knew during NTC that he would only be gone a short time and that moving would be on me. I was ready for that. I was ready to prove myself and get it done.
What I saw tonight was in a very short time things could change. No matter who's birthday, anniversary, wedding, travel plans, moving, medical issues.... Anything and it could all be thrown on me all while dealing with him leaving. I don't doubt myself that I couldn't do it, but I know I wont like it. I know that no matter how many times I have to say goodbye to him in the future, its never going to be easy.
No matter what we are doing, or where he is he is still my husband whom promised to be there in sickness and health, better or worse, richer or poor....but that was all given up.
You should have to renew your vows when you join. They should say that he will be there when he can, not when he wants or you think you need. He will be here when your medical issue qualifies as an emergency which is dictated by someone other than you. That when you want to talk to him you must wait for him to call.

Anyways I came across something else whole ratteling me brain with all of this. And guess what I came up with!!!! I can do it. Why not? Many do. And the other thing I like that is said too often..... Your not alone!!! What a statement. What honest to goodness truth. The only thing I actually trust when the army says it!!
So here it is!
When and if this is something we have to deal with, we will do it! Our family is a team and we will make it even a thousand miles away. We can make it work like we have made everything else work. Its all part of life and learning
I love you PFC Johnson and if we ever have to go through this, we will be ok. We will think about you all the time and we will miss you every second. BUT until then he is mine after NTC, and we will make the best of it!!!

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