Sunday, March 14, 2010

What did that baby do???

Yesterday, after playing a great game of BUNKO with my army wives, I can home to a quiet life. I was laying there with the husband and the baby. Dallas was sleeping in his room. There a very loud knock at the door. I never answer the door when my husband is home, that's why he is here right? No one ever comes over unannounced. When he looked out the peek hole, he looked worried. When he opened the door there was the Junction City Police Department standing there. He had asked if we had seen anyone anything in the woods behind our house, Our names, birthdays etc. I naturally invited him in and answered all the questions. Then I stepped outside the back door, and there is was. A crime scene, complete with tape, police cars, camera, and people running all over.

Anything could have happened, i mean anything. Until they started to take out the big yellow evidence markers (yes just like the ones in CSI.) My mind was racing with all the things that could have happened and what my family could be in danger of. I had put together all the questions that he asked. I hit me like a brick wall!!!! They were asking if I had seen any pregnant woman, and they told me that I had nothing to worry about. The cop said that my kids and I were not in any danger. Someone ditched there baby. I didn't talk about it to too many people, I didn't really know if it was true.

I made it a point to watch the news tonight at 10:00. My thought had come a reality! Why would someone do that! What are they thinking! There is more options than that.... I mean come on people there is so many people that are trying to have babies and you leave that baby in the woods, the river, and let it die. That baby had a life to live, and if that mother could not provide the life it needed, someone else could have.

They say that they know who they are looking for, and I hope they find her. I hope that she never has a chance to do this again... and justice is served for that baby. That baby could have found the cure for cancer someday. This baby was full term and ready to go!!

So here is a moment of silence for the Windwood Drive baby. May you be at peace, and find love where you are. May you enjoy your life there and fly high with all the angels. You are safe now, you are loved, and I am sorry for what happened to you.....

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