Monday, March 21, 2011


Alright, I am going to try not to babble on and on and on about this whole thing....but its hard to stay quiet when i am so mad about it. Not just mad but frustrated!
It was my understanding before my husband deployed, that your POA or Power of Attorney was your most sacred posession while he was gone. Thinking on those terms, I figured what else do I need? Yeah, well for all you people out there that think that, don't get slapped in the face as I have been.
When Dave left we both agreed it was way past time for a new car. One that we trusted to take to Minnesota and back. So we gathered up the power of Attorneys and off he went for his 12 month camping trip in the sand.
I went test driving and started to find the things that I liked and didn't like about vehicles... I got the tax money for a down payment.... I was set. You can imagine how shocked I was when I started to talk about financing a car, and they told me they do not accept the POA!!! Are you kidding! "ma'am we are sorry, but we do not take just a POA anymore. We have been burned by too many spouses that bought a car with it and then left the soldier before his return and the soldier was stuck with the payment." Well, alright what else can I do. Some places told me they can send him a contract to sign and then he can send it back. How about NO. He doesn't have outgoing mail. However he does have email from time to time. can you email it? No we like to send it. Back to square on 1 I go....laaaa deee daaa
I have been going in circles for almost 2 months now looking for a place that will work with me in my situation. So DO NOT believe the ones that tell you that they are locally owned and always willing to help...that's if your non-military I guess.
To make a Long frustrating story short, what the hell is a POA good for. Can you really deny it? it's a legal piece of paper! I mean I know it allows me to access his accounts at the bank.... but lets be real here people. We have been married 4 years. I know all his information, and if you don't think I can sound like a man on the phone you have got another thing coming! They don't personally know him, they don't know what he sounds like. So what if I sound silly. They can't pass judgment. So if I can't make purchases with it, and i already have a way to get everything else done, it sure seems like just another piece of paper to me.
I am shocked that people are so quick to turn us down. In this day and age, with the economy the way it is, I would prefer to make a sale to someone I know is going to have a steady paycheck for the next 3 years.... vs BOB who has a good job now, but who knows what his employment status will be when the ecomony takes another turn. Come on people what the hell happened to supporting your troops. The last thing my soldier wants to hear is that there is no one willing to help is family while he defends the country that is free! Come on people! Help a person out.
So here is to hoping that I find that one person that has a big heart and is not just in it to make a quick dollar. That one random person you run into from time to time that knows what you must be going through and is willing to help you. If not for the soldier, and not for his spouse, how about for their kids that want so bad to go back home for a little while and see family!

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